Jo Ann's Experiences in 2011
Over the past year of 2011, Jo-Ann enjoyed
teaching many professional massage therapists, physical therapists,
veterinarians, and some horse owners the highly successful
Wilson Meagher Method.
She has taught a group of therapists through the Downeast School
of Massage as well as private and semi private apprenticeships
outside of Boston Mass.
Some of the professionals that came to
study with Jo-Ann were from New Zealand, Austria, Nova Scotia,
Belgium and from many states within the US. Jo-Ann loves to
teach and continues to spread the foundation of her work that
originated with the famous Jack Meagher, founder of sportsmassage
in the 1960’s.
Jo-Ann looks forward to 2012 when she
will be teaching clinics for horse owners, as well as continuing
to teach professionals through group workshops and private apprenticeships.