The best class I took as a therapist! Thank you for everything!
-- Marie-Sophie Sylvestre
The best class ever, we can help
so many horses.
-- Annick Dallaire
Wilson Meagher is the Best !!
-- Julianne Knutson
Exceptional course and exceptional
teacher!! I experienced such growth professionally and
personally. Thank you Jo-Ann!
-- Maribeth Bendl Mills
I loved your class!
-- Megan Mellett
Your class has made my work so much
easier and has helped to enhance my client base
exponentially! I look forward to attending more of your courses.
Thank you Jo-Ann!
-- Rene Noriega
Loved your class and love this method!
-- Diane Ranney Moschera
Great job! Not a day goes by that I don't think of what I
learned from Jo-Ann Wilson. More important are the doors to
further learning that she helped -- and is still helping --
me open. There will be a grand welcoming party when she
arrives in heaven. At the front of the crowd, Jack Meagher
and the first of the many many horses she has helped. Cheers.
-- Sally Noonan
You're the best Jo-Ann, so your students will be great
-- Joan Goswell
Our horses love you and your students! So thankful to
have you all.
-- Amy Miller
You do great work Jo-Ann!
-- Katrina Janes