9:30AM -10:00AM |
Lecture and discussion of Wilson
Meagher™ Method, muscle tightness and motion |
10:00AM -10:30AM |
Demonstration of hand-on technique by
Jo-Ann Wilson Gail Analysis: Developing an eye for motion and
muscle tightness |
10:30AM -12:30AM |
Group breaks into pairs to identify
tightness by observation and hands-on skills Each person works
on the horse with Jo-Ann teaching and supervising the group
Pairs present horse to entire group after they have applied the
technique to show the changes in motion. |
12:30PM - 1:15PM |
Lunch and small group discussion |
1:15PM - 4:30PM |
Continuation of watching horses move.
Each pair of participants works on one or two more horses.
Strengthening and saddle fit is addressed. |
All participants have great fun and achieve great
results in these workshops!